Tortellini Soup - the Ultimate Italian Comfort Food

When looking for the ultimate comfort foods this time of year, we also need something that is nourishing and wholesome...and Italian, right?! Of course!
Today I have for you an easy version of tortellini soup that even my kids help me with and gobble up every bite! There are never any leftovers!
If you want to make this more "homemade", there are variations so stay tuned...

My little girl Claire, adores making tortellini soup with Mama! Claire is 6, yet this is a dish that even she can almost make completely by herself! During the holidays, we need something quick and healthy, yet extremely satisfying, so here's how we do it:

I fill a pot with as much of my own bone broth as I need to feed my family, so the amount is completely adjustable here to the portions you will need. But for the normal size pasta pot, it's at least half way full of hearty bone broth. Then we put in a bag of organic frozen spinach and let that cook and in a few minutes when it's almost finished, we put in our fresh tortellini (our favorite most authentic brand is Rana pasta for a delicious shortcut). Now again, you can substitute frozen spinach for fresh, you can use dried, frozen, or fresh tortellini, depending totally on the amount of time you have and want to put into this soup. We love topping with fresh grated parm or asiago! 

As an amazing side, we serve this incredibly delicious soup with a show stopping bruschetta that Claire learned how to make tonight too! We take Italian bread
(use your favorite), slice it and fill a whole baking tray with this tuscan style bread and stick it under the broiler for a few minutes until lightly browned - then flip the bread over to toast the other side. Take a clove of fresh garlic and rub each slice a few times. Finely chop a few good Roma tomatoes and drizzle some extra virgin olive oil over it and season with sea salt and freshly ground black pepper, and finally add a few pinches of dried oregano. Mix well and top each piece of garlic toast with this quick bruschetta that is the perfect compliment to the tortellini soup!

This meal is so tasty that it would even work for a last minute holiday gathering! Every dish in this meal was 4 ingredients or less - and also inexpensive. Italy on a budget 👌
Trust me, the flavors here don't disappoint! We then finished the meal off with 3 Ingredient Nutella brownies - yes, I just said Nutella. I know, it's the bomb and you will think so too!

Fun fact: I like to use the whole jar of Nutella when making these brownies for a more moist and dense result. I also toss in chocolate chips and nuts on occasion too. Sprinkle the top with pistachio pieces for an extra festive treat!

I hope this meal gives you some holiday cheer and let me know how you and yours enjoyed it!
Buon Natale a Tutti! Ciao 💋


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