Health Secret From Italy: Eat Your Apricot Seeds

When living in Mandela, Italy, which is 30 minutes outside Rome, I learned much of the Italian culture and way of life, simply by immersion. The picture above was taken from my kitchen window and was my absolute favorite view - and as you can imagine, the air, sights and sounds, were all just as beautiful as the view! 
One thing that I learned as I was talking to the village grocer one day, and I asked her about this curious mound of apricot seed hulls outside her shop. She explained to me that they eat the apricot kernels and why. So ever since then, I have a nut cracker on hand in my kitchen not only for shelling nuts, but now for apricot kernels as well! Learn about this amazing health secret from Italy in my video below and why this culture has held onto an astonishing record for some of the healthiest people in the world...this is one reason why:

I hope you have enjoyed this powerful health secret straight from Italy's Mediterranean diet! Leave me a comment and let me know if you have ever had an apricot seed and if you think they taste like almonds too! Ciao 💋


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